Centrifugal Partition Chromatography and Counter Current Chromatography benefits in Process & Preparative Chromatography, Especially when combined Sequentially with HPLC or Flash Chromatography, are discussed below (mg to tonnes/annum).

AECS-QUIKPREP LTD can develope your Process to Laboratory Centrifugal Partition Chromatography, CPC & Counter Current Chromatography, CCC or Sequential CPC to Process HPLC / Flash methodology, and ensure training to impliment in your facility. New Distributors required. Contact aecs@gmx.com for a Distributorship.

Quattro CPC & CCC, Utilise Liquid-Liquid Chromatography (LLC), to enhance throughput & separation options of your existing HPLC / Flash Instrumentation. Plus also offer the option of forcing to completion, low yield, equilbrium chemical synthesis methods. Over 30 Years International Sales. Inclusive Europe, North & South America, China, India, Asia, Australia, etc. Options to use your own laboratory / process, or AECS supplied CPC / CCC, ancillaries.

Keywords. Centrifugal Partition Chromatography, Counter Current Chromatography, CCC, CPC, Countercurrent Chromatography, HSCCC, Preparative Chromatography, Process Chromatography, Flash Chromatography, High Performance Liquid Chromatography, HPLC, Purification Natural Product Extracts. Medicinal Cannabis Extract Purifications, Synthetic Compound Purifications, High Yield Synthetic Compound Reaction Efficiency Enhancement, Precious Metal Purification. Rare Earth Purification. Protein, Peptide, mAb, Purification.

NEW ONE-OFF, BARGAIN OFFER:- Warehouse stored, crated and unused (after new management changed company direction), Quattro PilotPrep 2 litre CPC with all required ancillaries, plus with full 12 months AECS Guarantee, Video Installation Support + CPC Methodology Training, AT OVER 60% DISCOUNT.

CONTACT: aecs@gmx.com for more details. Inject between 20 and 80+ g crude matrix per injection. Ideal addition for research or pilot plant laboratory instrumentation.

Searching For Unknown Bioactive Compounds In Natural & Synthetic Mixes? Purifcation Of Organic Or Inorganic Compounds? Use Quattro CPC Or CCC Alone, Or Sequentially With HPLC.

Shown above is 4.8 Litre PilotPrep CPC. 2 litre PilotPrep CPC is ~half width, but similar number separation cells, for easy scale-up. A benchtop 1 Litre LabPrep CPC is shown, front left. An IntroPrep CPC, is now available, which is ~half the bench width of LabPrep CPC. An IntroPrep Chassised CCC, is shown in scrolling slide section, of 6th slide down.

NEW, JUST RELEASED: A novel, lower cost range, plus potentially higher resolution of Quattro CPC, now available in an IntroPrep chassis. Volumes range from 100 ml to 400 ml for the IntroPrep CPC. All have a similar number separation cells, for easy scale-up, to 1 Litre LabPrep, 2 or 4.8 Litre PilotPrep, or 12 to 50+ Litre ProcessPrep CPC. ProcessPrep CPC of multiple 100’s Litres can be custom manufactured for any size of process chromatography.

CONTACT: aecs@gmx.com for more details. Typically inject between 10 and 40+ g crude matrix per injection, per litre. Scale up and down for fractions or multiples of a litre.

Why you need Quattro CPC or Quattro CCC are discussed below, with examples in slideshow Applications Page. This Page and Applications Page also demonstrate the Massive Benefits Of Sequential CPC-HPLC or CCC-HPLC To Hugely Preconcentrate And / Or Simplify Matrix Prior to HPLC. The Latter Will Mean That Only Target Compound And A Few Similar Polarity Non-Targets, Injected into the HPLC Column, Thereby Preventing The Chance Of Poisoning Your HPLC Preparative Column: We can develope methods for you and supply turnkey instrumention to match your CPC, CCC, HPLC, Flash Chromatography needs.

  • Very significant savings of ~50-90% process chromatography / extraction, solvent / column operating costs
  • Quattro CCC can have 4 volumes, and various bore id’s, on one Instrument, saving huge additional expensive of buying multiple instruments from a competitor to achieve same flexibility.
  • Quattro CPC can have two volumes with same or different rotor features, on one Instrument, saving huge additional expensive of buying multiple instruments from a competitor to achieve same flexibility.
  • Ideal HPLC-MS pre-prep or sequential (CPC/CCC)-HPLC;
  • Mass scale from milligrams to multiple tonnes per annum.

Quattro LLC Externally Vetted Article Well Worth Reading:- Springerhttps://link.springer.com › article

by L Brown · 2017 · Cited by 37 — Ionic liquid-molecular solvent biphasic systems are very useful in chromatography, as they allow for easy analyte isolation and solvent recovery. There

  • Prices & typical injection mass into Quattro PilotPrep CPC & Quattro ProcessPrep CPC (….)
  • PilotPrep Prices. 2 Litre £87,000 (20 to 80g). 4.8 Litre £136,000 (48g to 192g).
  • ProcessPrep Prices. 1 x 12 Litre £187,000 (120 to 480g). 1 x 50 Litre £650,000 (500g to 2 kilo)
  • No column induced degradation or adsorption. 95+ % mass balance independently proven.
  • Uniquely allows infinitely polar to infinitely non-polar prep in one run.
  • Contract laboratory and process method development services. Contact AECS-QuikPrep.
  • Easily scale-up from milligram to grams, or to kilos, or to your tonne plus process .
  • Orthogonal selectivity options compared to HPLC / Flash / SFC.
  • No solubility problems; massive range of solvents available. Option synthesised Ionic Liquids
  • Amazing cost / resolution benefits when you combine sequentially CPC / CCC and Prep HPLC.
  • High process chromatography mass loading (typically 10 to 40 g per 1 litre capacity).
  • Inject 10 to 15% coil volume without excessive band spreading. Compare to loading Prep HPLC.

Quattro LLC Article well worth reading:- https://pureadmin.qub.ac.uk/ws/portalfiles/portal/133980254/10.1007_2Fs41061_017_0159_y.pdf

  • ENQUIRIES TO:- aecs@gmx.com. Available for Teams / Zoom lecturing CPC / CCC / Prep HPLC.
  • PLEASE LIST:- Mass per injection or per day or per year, and your chromatography needs.

Understanding how Quattro CPC or Quattro CCC compliment your existing Preparative / Process HPLC, Flash Chromatography, SFC, or Synthetic Equilibium Reaction Synthesis, to make results unobtainable by a single techology, commercially possible

Chromatography can separate a single or specified mixtures of organic or inorganic compounds from complex mixtures. This is achieved by partitioning of your required compound(s) from complex mixtures, by optimising the target compound(s) differential affinity between a selected stationary and mobile phase, to yield the purity you require, for your research, or tonnes etc. per annum purification.

Solid – Liquid Chromatography (SLC) techniques, such as HPLC, SFC and Flash Chromatography, are the most common options, utilised, for analysis, and laboratory, pilot, or process scale preparations (variously picograms, to tonnes per annum).

But sometimes issues can occur with milligram to tonnes per annum, preparative or process chromatography, with “on column” absorption or degradation. Or target compound might be too dilute to recover at a sensible cost. Or the crude mixture contains compounds that poison the SLC column, so purification cost is unacceptable for commercial use.

Liquid – Liquid Chromatography (LLC) techniques, such as Centrifugal Partition Chromatography and Counter Current Chromatography, utilise the same ancillary pumps, injectors, detectors, fraction collectors, control and data systems as SLC. The CPC or CCC instrument will be designed to retain one solvent (stationary phase) from a biphasic solvent mix, whilst the other liquid phase, not being retained, becomes the eluent of the biphasic mixture (mobile phase), as it flows through, achieving the resolution you require.

This website, gives multiple examples, in easy to understand slideshows, of a very wide variety of research and commercial applications, of the benefits of appropriate choices for either only LLC or only SLC. If your application not shown, contact us on aecs@gmx.com for confidential discussions

But most importantly, we also show many examples where appropriate combining of LLC and SLC technologies, allows you to resolve problems, a single technology cannot solve, or a commercial purification, or equilibrium reaction that is not commercially viable, whilst sequential use of LLC and SLC, can provide answers to research applications, or commercial procedures.

Also shown on this Home Page are considerable details on the revised Quattro CPC & CCC, plus HPLC & Flash ranges. We are willing to personally lecture any of the slideshows shown, and / or personally discuss in confidence, your own research needs for Laboratory, Pilot and Process Chromatography, by CPC / CCC, or HPLC / Flash Chromatography, or appropriate combination.

We offer options for both Quattro CPC and Quattro CCC. Enquires to aecs@gmx.com

Preparative & Process Chromatography
Preparative & Process Chromatography by: Quattro CPC :- Lab to Pilot, to Tonnes Per Annum Processing, Scaleable.


Quattro IntroPrep / QuikPrep™ / LabPrep™ Counter Current Chromatography units, with Quattro CCC unique option of 4 CCC Volumes per 1 instrument, thereby saving massive cost of buying multiple competitor instruments: Typical volume options:- 30, 150, 250, 400 / 500, to 1000 ml total instrument volumes. Options of up to 4 different volumes per Quattro CCC, from 30ml to 500 ml. Contact aecs@gmx.com for details.

Quattro PilotPrep™ / ProcessPrep™ Centifugal Partition Chromatography units: 2 litre & 4.8 Litres / 12 Litre to 50+ Litre total instrument volumes. Contact aecs@gmx.com for details.

  • Quattro PilotPrep™ Centifugal Partition Chromatography
  • Quattro PilotPrep™ CPC, 2 Litres & 4.8 Litres. Discounts for multiple orders. Purchase your own ancillaries or buy from us, or as compatible your existing Flash, HPLC Process Ancillaries, use these.
  • Quattro ProcessPrep™ Centifugal Partition Chromatography
  • Quattro ProcessPrep™ CPC, 12 Litres. Discounts for multiple orders. Purchase your own ancillaries or buy from us, or as compatible your existing Flash, HPLC Process Ancillaries, use these.
  • Quattro ProcessPrep™ CPC, 50 Litres. Discounts for multiple orders. Purchase your own ancillaries or buy from us, or as compatible your existing Flash, HPLC Process Ancillaries, use these. Larger volumes can be Custom Built.
  • Full range of HPLC / Flash Chromatography, Laboratory, Pilot / to Process Scale Ancillary Instrumentation.
  • International Distributors.
  • Autec Brasil. Visit their Stand CCC2024. Rio. 24 to 26th July 2024. https://autec.com.br/
  • Goodwill-Technology. China. http://www.goodwill-tech.com/Products_T112.html
  • Icon Scientific. USA. https://www.iconsci.com. https://www.iconsci.com
  • PT. Octo Chemido Pratama. Indonesia. https://octochemindo.com
  • Inkarp Instruments Pvt. Ltd. India. www.inkarp.co.in
Preparative & Process Chromatography by: Quattro CPC :- Lab to Pilot, to Tonnes Per Annum Processing, Scaleable
Preparative & Process Chromatography by: Quattro CPC :- Lab to Pilot, to Tonnes Per Annum Processing, Scaleable



HOW…? A single Low-Cost IntroPrep CPC or CCC can cost similar to a single 50 x 250mm C18, Prep HPLC column, with 5um phase, yet prepare far higher mass of injected material, work in Normal Phase, Reverse Phase, Affinity Chromatography, Displacement Chromatography (pH Zone Refining), Ion Exchange Chromatography, Chiral Chromatography, Linear or Step Gradient or Isocratic Gradient Modes, Not be poisoned by a single Natural Product crude mixture injection, used for all ranges of Polarity etc. Plus work at sub 10 ml/min flow rates, so be utilised your standard 0.1 ml/min to 10 ml/min HPLC, and not need purchase of a more expensive 25 to 50+ ml/min Preparative HPLC ancillaries. Worth Thinking About…?

Centrifugal Partition Chromatographs offer the potential, through their modular construction, of triple layer, three dimensionally machined, 316 Medical Grade Stainless Steel (or Custom Material) Rotor Blocks, full control of dimensions of length, and diameter, plus number of CPC chambers. You may chose from a standard range of scale up stages, with AECS known properties, or request customised rotors to suit your specific requirements. We have to date very high success in predictable scaleup from laboratory Quattro CPC to process Quattro CPC, and also from laboratory Quattro CCC to pilot scale Quattro CCC.

In certain cases, clients have transferred Quattro CCC derived methods successfully to process Quattro CPC, though we do not recommend method transfer between LLC concepts, as it offers more risk of scale up failure, than if you stay with same LLC concept.


We believe high percentage Ionic Liquid Biphasics are the answer to major process CPC, because they are simple and easy to recycle the Biphasic Solvents, plus offer a huge variety of chemical selectivities to chose from. Ionic Liquids can be chosen to protect compound’s structure, or alternatively to cause a controlled reaction of compounds to effect, unique high yield synthesis of required products during the Quattro CPC run.

The Utilization of Ionic Liquids with Ionic Liquid-Liquid Chromatography

Click this link to read our review of Ionic Liquid-Counter Current Chromotography / Centrifugal Partition Chromotograhy {IL-CCC/IL-CPC} Research in Topics in Current Chemistry.

Quattro CCC, Standard and One-Off Designs Possible
Quattro CCC, Standard and One-Off Designs Possible

See Methodology and Applications Page Link Above For Training from International Researchers, and for Ideas on Laboratory and Process Method Development

New:- Quattro IntroPrep chassis now also available in 100ml to 400ml volume ranges of Centrifugal Partition Chromatography, utising AECS-QuikPrep Ltd’s unique trilayer CPC rotor design. A wide variety of additional cost extras to basic chassis are available. Examples include, near, plus above ambient temperature control, and if required, sub ambient temperature control etc. They can now range from low cost student chromatography, extraction or synthetic chemistry teaching aids, to very sophsicated research instruments, with a wide variety of standard or custom extras. Enquires to: aecs@gmx.com

This page gives you access to the 30+ years of AECS-QuikPrep Ltd’s experience in methodology development in CCC & CPC. Most of our research is covered by Confidentiality requirements from our clients, but some are happy for us to show non-Confidential Research. The latter also applies to the many Academic Researchers who have purchased Quattro CPC or Quattro CCC. We discuss biphasic solvent choice, preference for isocratic, exotic or step gradients, CCC and CPC methodology transfers and the potential time and cost savings of utilising Sequential CPC or CCC and Prepartive HPLC.

Plus we discuss these topics for a very wide range of chemistries, ranging from very non-polar engine oil additives etc., to mid polarity medicinal cannabinoids etc., to highly polar, only aqueous soluble sugars, polysaccharides etc.

Uniquely AECS-QuikPrep Ltd can manufacture both Hydrodynamic CCC (Planetary CCC, HSCCC, HPCCC, HPL-LC™) and Hydrostatic CCC (Droplet Centrifugal Partition Chromatography, CPC, HPCPC) at scales from 30 ml to 100+ Litres. We have units in both research laboratories and process manufacture units throughout the World. We collaborate with Research Institutes / Universities, for both standard solvents and Ionic Liquid Biphasic CCC / CPC Exraction, On-Coil / On-Rotor Synthesis & Chromatography.

We can custom build for your research programme needs, to mutually agreed specification and price.

We can custom build both CCC & CPC units specific for your requirements because of our unique modular construction. Options of different CCC bore or CPC cell / chamber sizes, different volumes on the same instrument. We can custom design to accommodate your specific needs, within a mutually agreed budget. Other competitors cannot match our design and build flexibility. Just ask them and us to custom build to your specific needs and budget. We will custom build to match a mutually agreed requirement & price.

Successful Purification
Successful Purification

We list how Quattro Centrifugal Partition Chromatography & Quattro Counter Current Chromatography can offer unique research opportunities plus cost savings below.

AECS-QuikPrep Ltd has been conducting fundamental liquid-liquid chromatography research since 1993. We have innovated many important liquid-liquid chromatography instrument designs. Others have copied, but never bettered our designs, or vaguely approach the safety features of our instrumentation.

Laboratory Quattro CPC & Quattro CCC, offer you enormous scope for researching unknown bioactivities, purifying difficult to obtain pure compounds from complex mixtures, be they natural products or synthethetic products, and host of other opportunities, which are discussed in the above Applications and Method Training Page (see second Header Button).

Quattro CPC offers the potential for massive processing cost savings, as no need to buy any solid stationary phase. Additionally, there is the cost saving of not needing to pay for disposal of contaminated used solid, stationary (silica etc) phase. With elution – extrusion, each run has new stationary phase for maximum reproducibility. Also there is potential, independently proven, to achieve 95+% injection mass recovery, and 95+% purity. The injection mass per solvent usage can also result in considerable solvent cost savings. Also as with Flash Chromatography & Process HPLC, so with Centrifugal Partition Chromatography, and Counter Current Chromatography, with appropriate biphasic solvent choice, high cost efficiency is achieveable, through easy solvent recycling.

Contacting Us
Contacting Us, Please Give Us Your Purification Needs, and Discuss If You Might Need a Feasibility Study

The fact that AECS QuikPrep Ltd’s experience in liquid-liquid chromatography instrument design, manufacture and research, dates from 1993, compares very favourably to many of our present competitor CCC and CPC companies. Sales to China, Singapore, Indonesia, Australia, Brasil, Chile, USA, Canada, Eire, Nothern Ireland, England, France, Germany, Spain, Finland, Chechia, Switzerland. Etc.

Irrespective if you are a Separation Scientist / Synthetic Chemistry / Natural Product Chemist / Petrochemical Chemist / Environmental Chemist, or need to purify / recycle precious metals, rare earths etc., we have products where we can assist you in the following.

To achieve saleable purified product, find previously unknown bioactive compounds, by isolating narrow polarity fractions, for bioassay testing, and / or prior to HPLC/GC-MS or NMR, purifying precious metals / rare earths, testing the content of competitors’ products, to forcing equilibrium synthetic reactions, from uneconomic yields, to economic yields. Or a wide variety of other tasks. These might be as varied as, the fractionation of wide polarity mixes, like engine oils / additives, or crude / refined oils, or huge conconcetration of trace compounds in freshwater, seawater or wastewater samples, or even automated, periodic checking, for trace compounds, in liquid process streams etc.

Your imagination is the only restriction to possible uses. Please view the Methodology & Applications Slideshows, or contact us to discuss your specific needs at aecs@gmx.com.

Quattro CCC™ Planetary Motion Video (2 bobbins, 4 coils / 3 coil ids).

Note:- Door safety merchanism disabled for this demonstration video. Set spin speeds are very constant. The video judder is caused by camera/internet technology. Option of 2, 3 or 4 bores/volumes on competitor’s CCC, you would need to purchase multiple instruments. Alternatively we could custom build according to your needs, all on one Quattro CCC. Worth Thinking about?

New Options for novel Quattro CPC™, Plus a Number of New Potential Uses / Advantages

The Sun Motion Rotors can be custom made in Stainless Steel or other materials, ie Titanium etc., for proteins etc.

Quattro CPC instruments can have different chamber designs, on different rotor block sets, plus can have 2 different id cell (chamber) bore configurations, in the same Quattro CPC instrument. This gives the potential for a method development rotor and process rotor in the same Quattro CPC instrument.

Quattro CPC is ideal for MABs, proteins, peptides & enzymes, other organic and inorganic purification by chromatography.

Quattro CPC can be used to extract target compounds from complex dissolved mixtures, when using either contaminated complex crude mixtures as the mobile or the stationary phase, depending on the CPC mode chosen.

AECS’ QuikPrep Ltds unique multi-block CPC rotor design offers multiple specification options and designs, which can allow us to design for maximum resolution, or maximum throughput, or a mutually agreed compromise.

The Quattro CPC conceptual design is massively less critical, if client induced mistakes cause CPC rotor blockage. A blockage in one rotor block, can be bypassed and a slightly reduced processing rate can continue. The user can at a convenient time, remove a matched pair, and dismantle, clean and reassemble the client blocked rotor, whilst keeping production going with 2 less rotor blocks, if this is required.

Such an occurance in a stacked disc CPC design means factory repair of the whole rotor assembly, and considerable total processing downtime.

Medicinal Cannabinoid Separations.

Medicinal Cannabinoid Separations
Shown Below is a Process Ascending Chromatograph of Hemp Extract.

An Unique Offer, New to CPC Purification:- Why not consider our special combination offer, of an Quattro 250 ml CPC™ for method development + Quattro 2 Litre or 4.8 Litre CPC™ for small scale production, with your chosen group, combined with a Quattro 12 Litre ProcessPrep CPC™, complete with appropriate ancillaries at amazing discounted prices. We are a Chromatographic Purification specialist. Which other company offers you CPC from 250 ml to 12 or 50+ Litre CPC™ of a modular design, at incredible prices, plus over 40 years HPLC, TLC, Flash Chromatography, plus 30 years CCC and CPC Chromatography, experience.

In addition to purchasing an instrument you will also gain from AECS-QuikPrep Ltd experience in new method development, and process chromatography. Our experience is worth your consideration. Please view the first slide show on Applications Page.

Modular design, and the use of interchangeable components are common in aerospace, car, electronics etc industries. But only AECS-QuikPrep has employed this concept to liquid-liquid chromatography. We did this to ensure the maximum likihood of successful scale-up, and ultra competitve prices.

About Us

AECS-QuikPrep Ltd brings you scientific and design research talent, plus company stability. AECS has been trading as same family-owned Company for over 40 years. Since 1983, AECS-QuikPrep Ltd has been doing contract design research for third party instrument companies. Projects included the design of moving belt HPLC-MS, HPLC-FID and HPLC-MPD detectors; evaporative light scatter detectors; the world’s first Peltier HPLC column air ovens / chillers etc.

AECS-QuikPrep Ltd has also helped an USA based HPLC Column Company successfully productionise a completely new concept in HPLC phase product lines, which has been a commercial success for the Company, for over two decades.

AECS-QuikPrep Ltd has designed and built numerous prototype, laboratory instruments for Blue-Chip International Companies.

AECS designed and built our first Quattro CCC™ in the early 1990s, when Smith Kline Beecham were not prepared to purchase the then existing CCC / CPC instrumentation, and placed an open-design Purchase Order with AECS-QuikPrep Ltd, for what became the Quattro CCC™ Mk I. They like many others, before and since, trusted AECS-QuikPrep Ltd’s conceptual design expertise, and contracted AECS-QuikPrep Ltd to build an improved design regards to both safety and performance. Since then, we have designed and built numerous custom Quattro L-LC™ for many clients. AECS-QuikPrep Ltd offers our clients proven, but ever evolving, commercially relevant CCC / CPC units. We have over 28 years of worldwide LLC commercial trading experience.

Please consider visiting our new AECS-QuikPrep Ltd’s demonstration laboratory, near Newquay Airport, only 1 hour flight from London Heathrow, and therefore with good connections to many National & International Airports.

Contact Us

Any questions, please contact us to discuss confidentially your needs by email or phone, plus we can arrange Teams, Zoom, or Google Video Link, etc., discussions / lectures based on your choice of slideshow lectures shown on the: SLIDESHOWS:- METHODOLOGY & APPLICATIONS, link on the Header Bar, above.
